Biography of Superman Is Dead

on Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

About Superman Is Dead

SID, punk rock pioneers of Bali, were born and bred in Kuta Rock City. The band is three chord attitude-heavy young men, by name : Bobby Kool (lead vocal, guitar, a dog lover and a graphic designer) , Eka Rock (low ridin' family man, beer drinker, laid back bass and backing vocal and a warm smilin' Rock 'N Roll bandman, IT warior) , Jrx (low ridin' beer drinking Rock 'N Roll prince charming, drummer and a hairwax junkie, Bar owner)

The name 'Superman is Dead' started its' evolution from Stone Temple Pilot's "Superman Silvergun". The name moved on to "Superman is Dead" cause they like the idea that there's no such thing as a perfect person out there.
SID actually stumbled together in '95, drawn by their common love of Green Day and NOFX. Their influences soon extended to the punk 'n roll genre a la Supersuckers, Living End and Social Distortion, and here they stay. They say what they wanna say, how they wanna say it. In your face, to say it precisely.

SID public image, self described, is "Punk Rock a Bali" (think raw energy of NOFX vs Social Distortion supersonically fueled with beer-soaked Balinese Rockabilly attitude).
History ? SID produced their first three albums independently (the boys worked years of crappy night jobs), with fabulous, small scale indie labels 1997 "Case 15", 1999 "Superman is Dead", 2002 "Bad Bad Bad"(mini album, 6 tracks).

In March 2003, SID finally signed with Sony-BMG Indonesia after extended negotiations regarding their right to sing the majority of their tracks in English and have full artistic rights over their 'image'!! With that decision they single handedly became the first band from Bali to be invited to sign with a major recording label in Indonesia, the first band in their nation (to my knowledge) to be recording majority of songs in English and the first punk band in Indonesia to get the national exposure and promotion that working with a major label in a third world country provides. And so the history of Indonesian Punk Rock begins!

And as for the question that everyone wants to know, the infamous bomb in Bali happened about 75 M from their home, hangout center, punk rock boutique, bar and rehearsal studio that is also Jrx' house, in the heart of Kuta.
After panel beating back the rolling doors of the studio and shifting a little debris, rehearsals continued as usual. Yeah, they saw a lot, it sucked big time, but its' not gonna stop 'em!

And where are they now? At the end of 2002, one of the more respectable music mags here cited SID as "The Next Big Thing" for 2003. With the release of their fourth album "Kuta Rock City" followed by major air play nationally and in some countries overseas, coupled with the instant popularity of their newest film clip.

SID suddenly find themselves touring continuously throughout Indonesia. Last week they were in four major Indonesian cities, on three islands, in 7 days! Sometimes playing for free at underground scene clubs, sometimes at street skate parties or alternative band festivals, at lots of universities and even occasionally at "classy" venues who would have probably denied them entrance years ago!
Which means more beers for all.

In 2003 SID even got a mention in Time Asia.
They also won a few music awards “MTV Awards for The Best New Artist 2003”, “AMI Awards for The Best New Artist 2003” and nominated again in “AMI Awards 2006 for The Best Rock Album”.

October 2007, they did an amazing Australian tour, 8 cities, 16 gigs, 33 days with their strong D.I.Y work ethic.
SID had share stages with international bands such as International Noise Conspiracy, NOFX, MXPX and Hoobastank.
They remain proud, boys from the streets of Kuta with a love of punk rock, beers and a good time. Ready for whatever comes next, excited about the next gig.

Membuat foto kubus di Photoshop

TIPS OF THE DAY : CTRL +E fungsinya menggabungkan dua layer ( layer atas ke layer bawahnya)

Sekarang saya coba buat Photo berbentuk Kubus.. idenya sih dari permainan kubus Rubik yang sangat susah itu lho.. kalo ada yang bisa permainan ini boleh share sama saya… hehehe.. pengen banget bisa nih.. Kalo satu atau 2 sisi doang sih bisa..hayah..

Kembali ke tutorial.. LANJUTGAN !

Buat dokumen dengan ukuran 400px x 400px resolusi 72 aja.. kalo mau bikin besar juga gpp.. terserah aja.. ini cuman contoh aja..

photo in a box 1

Pertama kita buat template untuk Box nya..

Buat kotak dengan rectangle marquee tool.. sambil tekan tombol SHIFT yaa.. biar semua sisinya sama.

photo in a box 2

Buat layer baru. Warnain dengan paint bucket tool. Untuk warnanya terserah karena ini mah buat acuan aja nanti..

photo in a box 3

Duplikat kotak pertama sambil digeser ke samping dan tempelin persis di ujung sisi kanan kotak pertama… caranya Tekan ALT lalu Drag ke samping kanan.

Ganti warna nya dengan warna lain biar beda.

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Sekarang Ulangi langkah yang tadi.. Duplikat dan simpan di atas kotak pertama.. harus bersinggungan dengan sisi atas kotak pertama.

photo in a box 5

jadi deh Template nya. Sekarang kita punya 3 layer dengan kotak yang berbeda letak dan warna.

Buka foto yang mau di bikin Kubus.. usahakan fotonya harus yang view nya agak jauh biar nanti objek nya pas banget masuk ke kotak pertama ( di paling depan).

Drag ke dalam dokumen Template yang tadi udah dibuat.

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Atur letak dan ukurannya.

Sekarang kita akan mengambil bagian-bagian foto yang akan disesuaikan dengan Template kotak tadi.

Pilih layer foto .. tekan CTRL + klik di kotak pertama..

Tekan CTRL + C (Copy ) lalu Tekan CTRL + v untuk (paste)

Otomatis akanTerbentuk layer baru yang isinya bagian foto sesuai kotak pertama.

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Ulangi langkah yang tadi untuk bagian-bagian yang lain..

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Matikan semua layer.. kecuali layer foto yang udah terbentuk dan layer background

Sekarang kita punya Foto yang sesuai dengan Template tadi..

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Beri efek sedikit dengan Blending Option.

Klik kanan layer foto kotak pertama > blending option atau Klik 2 kali di layer foto kotak pertama.

Setting seperti dibawah.. ini tujuannya biar keliatan garis tepi di setiap sisi.

photo in a box 10

Klik kanan layer foto kotak yang sudah diberi effect.. klik copy layer style.

Pilih layer kotak berikutnya . Klik kanan > Paste layer style. sama juga untuk kotak satu lagi.

Sekarang pilih Layer foto kotak yang disebelah kanan.

Klik Edit > transform > Distort

Tarik ujung kanan nya aja.. dan atur dimensinya seperti dibawah. kalo perlu gunakan garis bantu, biar lurus. Garis bantu udah saya jelaskan di tutorial yang ini.

photo in a box 11

Atur juga untuk bagian atas nya.. gunakan Edit > Transform > distort . Tarik dan atur ujung-ujungnya. gunakan garis bantu juga untuk memudahkan.

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Kalo udah.. Merge (gabung) semua layer photo kotak dengan menekan CTRL + E dimulai dari layer yang paling atas dulu. Sekarang sudah Menjadi Kubus..

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Sekarang kita buat bayangannya..

Buat bentuk yang kira-kira menyerupai alas dari kubus .. dibawah.. dan simpen di bawah layer foto Kubus..

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Klik Filter > Blur > gaussian Blur

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Atur dan putar Foto Kubus dan bayangannya sehingga terlihat alami.. Untuk ngatur ini, butuh imajinasi juga..

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Hasilnya :

photo in a box

sumber :


1. Cari modul tentang software dan hardware (pengertian, komponen, fungsi & pengertian komponen)
2. Cari jenis - jenis RAM dan gambarnya, Tahun terbit, Perusahaan yang memproduksinya !
3. Rincian harga PC dan bukti tokonya
4. Jumlah pin AT dan ATX ?
5. Tutorial Photoshop ?
6. - merangkum MR
- generasi komp.
- cari struktur USB
7. gambarkan motherboard
8. rincian harga PC (lengkap) tidak lebih dari Rp. 7.500.000
9. buatkan banner (JPEG/GIF)
11. Buatkan banner diri sendiri lalu edit
12. cari komkonen elektronik & alat ukur
13. langkah perakitan PC sampai menyala
14. definisi SO
15. pembagian SO berdasarkan kategorinya
16. fungsi SO
17. perkembangan SO
18. gambarkan struktur HardDisk

My Biodata

Nama Lengkap : RIZKI ROHMAN
Nama Panggilan : RIZKI
TTL : BANDUNG, 05 04 1994
Jenis Kelamin : Laki Laki
Agama : ISLAM
Alamat : JL. SINDANG SARI 2 NO.14
Telp. : 083829386***
Alamat Email :
Facebook :
YM : rzkii_rhman

on Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

saatnya ku memperbaiki masa kini dan menata masa depan yang hancur karena masa lalu. .